In today's fast-paced and challenging world, the importance of holistic well-being cannot be overstated. As individuals strive for success and happiness, taking care of...
Insights and Updates on Functional Medicine & Healthy Lifestyle
It’s Time to Wake Up and Listen to your Body!
What can I tell you as a revered reader, that you don't already know? In the storm of knowledge that's available at the click of your fingertips, would you really want some...
The Role of Influencer Marketing and what it means for your Health
In a world where everything is controlled by social media and the Internet, the role of influencers and their control over the public proves itself to be increasingly...
What’s your pandemic story?
It’s almost three months to when this story unfolded and each of us has dealt with this crisis in our own unique way. It started with dissonance, then fear, then...
What the Gut?!
As I just wrapped up my gut health certification with a perfect score, it made sense that I share a little about my personal journey on how my gut health changed and...
How to Meet a Better You in 2020
As we are winding down to the last few days of the year and this decade, it’s time for reflections, resolutions and reincarnations. It’s the end of an era and beginning of a...
Cancer is an emotion, not a disease!
When I was 4 or 5 years old, one day I found my mom hurriedly dressing me up to leave for my aunt’s place. Apparently, her sister’s daughter and a much older cousin of mine...
Who needs a Health and Wellness Coach?
A health coach is a supportive mentor and wellness authority who helps others feel their best through individualized food and lifestyle changes that meet their unique needs...
Travel – A jumpstart to your healing journey
My earliest travel memories are of my mum taking me to meet my maternal grandma. It was a 4-hour bus ride then. Crowded, warm, sometimes I would get a seat of my own and...
Your Health is Made in Your Kitchen
I was about 7 years and 9 months old when my little brother was born. Till then I was the youngest child in the family. His birth was also timed with my father getting...
The Sacred Connection of Creativity and Health
Are you the sorts who plays music in the car and lets your gaze melt into oblivion? Do you look forward to the end of a tiring day or a busy week so that you can try your...
Breaking Down Health in the Google Age
My fitness journey started at the age of 15 when I had just finished my Grade 10 exams and wanted to use my vacation constructively. I joined a gym and after a month when I...
A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!
Now before you jump into any hasty conclusions on what that title meant, let me clarify on this easy life hack. A 10 second hug a day may fight infections, boost your...
Money – The Double Edged Sword
My relationship with money has been a little twisted. When I was in middle school I always dreamt about money in terms of being empowered to do more for the world. How it...
Life of a procrastinator
What does the life of a procrastinator look or feel like?Well, we all do it every now and then, which means most of us embody a procrastinator. Did you promise yourself to...